Our Life in Christ.
Mission Statement
Rooted in Christ we the Sisters of St. Paul,
inspired by Genevieve Dupuis
seek to live the Gospel in friendship and solidarity with others,
using our resources to promote justice and wholeness.
God is Love
Out of love He calls
workers into his harvest
God's love is what encouraged me and gave me the strength and courage to seek Him above all else. I had the blessing from God to know Him from an early age through the christian education that I received from my parents first and then in the Church during the catechesis classes. Around the age of fourteen I felt that I needed to learn more about this immeasurable and free love that I felt every day in the ordinary experiences of teenage life, so I looked for answers in the Holy Scriptures. Read more
Sister's Stories
The Congregation of the Sisters of St. Paul is an apostolic community and our charism (spirit) calls us to be women of prayer, community and service.
Vowed membership as a Sister of St. Paul marks our total commitment to God and full participation in the life of the Congregation.
The vows of poverty, celibacy and obedience express the fullness of this commitment. The call to live as a consecrated woman religious requires a deep personal relationship with Jesus
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Becoming a vowed member of the Congregation is a gradual process:
Congratulations to Lieve as she celebrates her First Profession with the Sisters, her family and friends.
Lieve signing her declaration of Vows
Is God Calling you to Serve ?
My Story
Growing up in communist Romania, especially in its last years of “glory”, was a long series of hardships. Freedom of speech was non-existent, practicing the faith was an act of bravery, achievement through hard work and using one’s brain was not pleasing to the authorities, resulting in many of “the elite” of the country being arrested, tortured and starved to death in the communist prisons. Read more..