The Sisters of St. Paul were asked to respond to the following questions: What aspects of religious life have been life-giving for you? What have you found challenging?
Here are some responses:

Sharing the ideals of a life 'dedicated to God' in community, supported by the framework of prayer and on-going formation.
Meeting the needs of children and others on mission
Leaving the group situation and finding my feet in the task assigned to me.
Accepting change with extra responsibility
Working in a foreign country with no aptitude for a foreign language - but with God all things are possible. Sister U
Coming together as a community to pray, share and celebrate.
Congregational Celebrations
Opportunity for an annual retreat and regular days of reflection.
Working in a diversity of ministries with people of various nationalities.
Life has been a challenge and an adventure with many twists and turns and plenty of surprises.
At times it has been fulfilling and rewarding and at other times it has been challenging and purifying.
The many opportunities and experiences that I have had have greatly enriched my life.
Sister Y

That I had a call to Religious Life.
The daily routines of prayer, reflection and the celebration of the Eucharist.
Belonging to a group of women committed and supportive of one another.
I love a challenge!
I find the Gospels the greatest challenge - to live out my vocation to the full.
That women are 'voiceless' in the Institutional Church and there appears no forum for exchange of ideas. Sister L
Being able to be myself.
Being able to engage in ministries that I found life-giving e.g. working on the Missions in South Africa.
I have found all my ministries life-giving.
Being changed suddenly in my areas of work and leaving those with whom I had lived and got to know. These changes occurred often in my early days. Sister G