Associates of The Sisters of Charity of St Paul the Apostle. 

The next meeting of the Associates 
Location: St Pauls Conference Centre, Selly Park, B29 7LL 
Date: Saturday 21st September, 2024 
Topic: Growing Closer to God - Through understanding a little more about ourselves and those around us. 
Speaker: Sue Wilson - Sue is a spiritual director and musician. She is basing the workshop on the MBTI, a personality indicator based on the work of Carl Jung. 
For more Information and booking please contact Sr. Anna. 
For further information, please contact: 
Selly Park, Birmingham, UK 
Sr. Anna O’Connor 
Dublin, Ireland: 
Sr. Mary Lyons 
Telephone:087 6116381 

Retreat for Beginners 25th – 27th October 2024. 'I have called you by your name, you are mine' A retreat for first-time retreatants. Click to read more 

Associates of The Sisters of Charity of St Paul the Apostle 

The Associates of the Sisters of St. Paul are a group of women and men, married or single, who desire to nourish their faith through prayer and imbibing the spirit of Geneviève Dupuis (Foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters of St. Paul). 
The Associates come from all walks of life and have a common desire to deepen their spiritual lives through their gatherings, their relationships with each other and the sisters. 
Associates are well informed, aware of social issues e.g. reaching out to the poor and needy and care of creation. 
The Associates of the Sisters of St. Paul meet at least four times a year when they pray together, share and support each other. When possible they join the Sisters for Congregational celebrations. 
“As long as we are founded and rooted in charity, nothing can shake us or stand in the way of the work God has given us to do.” 
C/f “Thought from Geneviève Dupuis” 
For further information, please contact: 
Dublin, Ireland: Sr. Mary Lyons 087 6116381 
Selly Park, Birmingham, UK Sr. Anna O’Connor 07969177704