Our charism is expressed in a deep personal love of Christ, our lives being dedicated to serving others.  

The charism of our Congregation can be summarized in the following key words: 
The charism of our Congregation is charity. We strive to have Christ at the centre of our lives, so that we can love and care for those we are ministering to. We live in simplicity and joy, serving others and being all things to all people, following the example of our patron and model Saint Paul. 
”I have only one desire, which I ask our dear God, with all my heart, to fulfil: to make you strong in everything you do, promoting charity among you. More charity, more union, more peace! The stability of our community depends entirely on this.” 
”As long as we are founded and rooted in charity, nothing can shake our community or stand in the way of the work God has given us to do. Nothing gives me more comfort and strength than to see you united in the Lord’s charity. 
Thoughts from our foundress, Geneviève Dupuis 
The Sisters strive to remain faithful to the legacy and values promoted by our foundress Geneviève Dupuis and the Sisters from the first community. 