Tomesti Tomesti
Tomesti is situated in N-E of Romania, 12 km from the city of Iasi and 60 km to the east is the Republic of Moldova. Tomesti is a large village with 11051 people with individual houses and 42 blocks of flats. The Gradinita is situated in the middle of the blocks of flats.
In 2002 the Sisters of St. Paul were invited to maintain and run a Gradinita in Tomesti. They accepted the invitation and two Sisters arrived in Tomesti in 2003 and opened the Gradinita in October 2003.
The Catolic population is small in a predominantly Orthodox area. Gradinita Fericitul Ieremia is a Catholic Gradinita for 83 children of different denominations. Our work is ecumenical.
As well as running the Gradinita, the Sisters are involved in Parish work, working with adults with disabilities, homeless people and supporting the activities of the Association Inimi de Mama.
We try to encourage and support children and young people to live their faith and to be good Christians. We desire to promote friendship and solidarity within the Parish through our way of community living, and our presence in the parish is very much appreciated.
The Lord works in wonderful ways, He always guides
our steps to meet His most needy and beloved children
This came true for me when I met some homeless people on my way to work after a night of snow. Some people were trying to warm themselves on some hot water pipes. They were very surprised when I stopped and spoke to them about their situation. Read more...
Sr. Simona