"All things to all people" 1 Cor. 9:22
The very heart of religious life is a search for an intimate relationship with God through prayer and ministry.
The charism of our Congregation is charity and in light of this we endeavour to live in simplicity, to be self-giving and joyful, and to make ourselves, "Omnibus Omnia"- "all things to all people", like our patron, St. Paul and in imitation of Genevieve Dupuis, our Foundress.

Private and communal prayer strengthen the spiritual bond among us. We devote time to daily personal prayer and spiritual reading especially Scripture. Integrating prayer with love and service nurtures our daily living.
In our personal prayer we seek to deepen our knowledge and love of Jesus who is our WAY, our TRUTH and our LIFE.
In our communal prayer we follow the Prayer of the Church especially Morning and Evening Prayer.
We pray daily for the needs of the Church, the world and for those who request our prayers in times of sadness, sickness, bereavement and family difficulties.
We celebrate where possible the Liturgy of the Eucharist and endeavour to bring the spirit of the Eucharistic celebration to the activities of our day.
The ceremonial renewal of vows takes place each year on the feast of the Presentation (February 2nd).
"As long as we are founded and rooted in charity nothing will be able to shake our Community or to stay the work God has given us to do".
Geneviève Dupuis
Let Our Lord fill your heart with his life